The 5 Most Common Local SEO Myths
You may have heard that if you want your business to become successful and thriving, you need to have good Local SEO. That is correct, but we often hear some bizarre takes on different techniques and tricks of the trade.
SEO Myth # 1: Get listed on page 1 of Google for $99.
Don’t do it. It’s not worth suffering a Google Penalty. Google is not that dumb, they get ahead of the spammers looking to sling SEO gigs and turn and burn websites. They take your money give you some sort of promise and they are gone so fast and so is your page ranking.
HERE’S GOOGLE’S TAKE ON IT: See if your site has been impacted by a manual spam action
Myth # 2: Deleting your Google My Business listing will actually remove the listing from Google.
If you are fiddling around on your own and Claim a duplicate listing only to then delete it. All this does is unverifies the listing. It will still be on Google Maps, and could still rank.
READ GOOGLE’S ARTICLE: Remove a location
Myth # 3: If you don’t Claim Your Listing, you won’t Rank.
This one is partially true, according to Moz, Local Search Ranking Factors does list verifying your listing as #13 for making an impact on ranking.
GOOGLE RESOURCE: Add or claim your business listing
Myth # 4: You Need To Buy Backlinks
You most certainly do not. Who told you that? Backlinks that you want pointing to your site should be natural, authentic, industry-related and authoritative. Don’t get scammed by paying for this, as it could do more harm than good.
READ GOOGLE’S ARTICLE: Learn how Google handles nofollow links?
Myth # 5: Google Plus Posts will improve my rankings
Actually, the only way people or potential visitors will stumble upon your Google Plus page is if they search for your business by name.
When it is all said and done, getting started with your local seo campaign is easy and affordable. But, if you would like to use some help putting these plans into action, contact us today and let us get the results you are looking for!